Club Notices

Welcome to another season of Bowls at Cohuna Bowls Club Inc. We are attracting a number of new or returning members each year, and in the past 12 months they have included:

Rodney Bannister, Stuart Bascott, Kaye Simms, Wayne Brooks, Rick Parr, Stephen Clark, Geof McIvor, Sue Sheen, Barbara Hildebrand, and Ian Howard.

We encourage you all to be engaged in the activities of our Club, enjoy the fellowship, have fun, perhaps help where and if you can – such as on the Catering or Grounds Committees, or in some other capacity. Friday afternoons and evenings are always particularly good times to be at the Club.

By about 11 am. each morning, there should be at least one green free for you to play/practice on, and certainly by midday, at least two out of the three greens will usually be available, unless special treatments are being applied.

We have a number of spare sets of bowls available to try out with, and you should practice with a range of them to find what size/weight suits you best. There are also plenty of members who can assist you to get started correctly. Although we don’t have a currently qualified Coach, it will not be hard to find someone with the skills to assist – just ask around.